"The Mozart Effect" was a significant fad in the beginning of the 21st century, but what does it mean for children? These resources should help.
Gadsden, Vivian L. “The Arts and Education: Knowledge Generation, Pedagogy, and the Discourse of Learning” Review of Research in Education, Vol. 32, What Counts as Knowledge in Educational Settings: Disciplinary Knowledge, Assessment, and Curriculum (2008): 29-61. Web. 21 Nov. 2015
A brief caution against the Mozart Effect, pg. 47. See General Childhood Development for more information on this article.
Schaller, Mark. “Parasites, Behavioral Defenses, and the Social Psychological Mechanisms Through Which Cultures Are Evoked” Psychological Inquiry Vol. 17, No. 2 (2006): 96-101. Web. 21 Nov. 2015
A brief, and skeptical nod to the Mozart Effect in the course of analyzing the social standards of public health, and what Schaller terms “the behavioral immune system.”